Cosmic Era

Cosmic Era

The timeline takes place in the Cosmic Era (CE, or "Cosmic Era"), a universal calendar adopted to celebrate the end of the Reconstruction War, and announcing the program of space colonization.

The main plot element is the fear engendered by a new race of superior Humans, the "Coordinators". The Coordinators are not the result of a natural evolution of the human species, but are genetically improved as soon as the ovum is fertilized by the spermatozoon: they are thus more resistant to diseases and have better aptitudes than the qualified Man then of Natural (stronger physically, more mature intellectually, faster).


We really don't know what calendar was in place before that of the Cosmic Era but we can assume that the Gregorian calendar was still the one in place, we only know that the year 01 of the EC will be marked by a nuclear attack against the borders of Central Asia.

A fast man barely 20 years old, Georges Glenn (born on April 1, 16 years before the establishment of the CE calendar) was then nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics in CE 04, he would enlist in the army 1 year later in CE 05.

It is only in CE 09 that the new calendar will be definitively adopted by the whole world, marking the end of the war then called "War of Reconstruction" and the beginning of a whole new challenge for humanity. , the space colonization program. This is how the new space colonization program will see the resumption of construction of the Yggdrasil space base, located at LaGrange 1 point. The same year will also be created the Atlantic, Eurasian, and Eastern Republic Federations. Asian.

Colonization is truly launched in CE 10, the construction of the Copernicus lunar base begins. The Atlantic Federation then sets up two new branches, the FASA (Federal Aeronautics and Space Administration) and the FFS (Force Fédérale Spatiales), Georges Glenn will integrate the FASA. The FFS being purely military, its creation will be followed by the other blocks which will create their own.

In CE11 the space base Yggdrasil is finally finished. The Copernicus base will be completed 1 year later, in CE12, the FASA then launches a new program, that of the exploration of Jupiter, with the development of a new vessel, the Tsiolkovsky. The ship is built in the newly completed Yggdrasil station, and its chief engineer is none other than Georges Glenn.

It will take nearly 3 years to complete the Tiolkovsky, it will then take off in CE 15 for a mission of several years on Jupiter, on board it includes exoskeleton type equipment, for assisted spacewalks, this equipment is then called Mobile Suit (the prototype of all armaments bearing the same name). George Glenn is then on the ship as the only crew member, when he leaves he will reveal the truth about his nature to the whole world. Indeed Georges Glenn did not come into the world in a classic way but was created in an artificial way, he will thus reveal the existence of genetically modified human beings, the Coordinators . The world then sinks into the most total chaos, the question of genetic manipulation is then strongly debated, the Blue Cosmos group then declares itself anti Coordinators, finding all these manipulations unnatural. the Blue Cosmos group will be followed by many religious institutions, declaring the Coordinators as heretics, touching life is the domain of God. The Azrael family is the most influential within Blue Cosmos.

A conference will be held in Italy in CE 16, the subject is to discuss on the Coordinators, a law is then voted, thus prohibiting the use of the technology Coordinator and the manipulation of the genes, restrictions against Georges Glenn are also decided. Nevertheless, many families have their children modified secretly.

In February of the CE 17 the first Mass Driver (electromagnetic catapult being used to send shuttles more easily in space) is built in Panama in Central America. In December of the same year, a hospital in Chicago, which according to rumors practiced genetic manipulation to change embryos into Coordinators, was the victim of an arson attack. Authorities suspect the Blue Cosmos to be responsible for the fire.

A second Mass Driver will be created near Lake Victoria in CE 21.

The Tsilkovsky continues its mission and arrives near Jupiter in CE 22, a fossil will then be discovered which will then be named "proof 01", the FASA will then order to bring the fossil back to Earth. Meanwhile the world is still in utter chaos. The births of the Coordinators are then hidden, in the Kingdom of Scandinavia will see the day of the Coordinator Siegel Clyne.

The CE 23 another birth of Coordinator will be hidden from the world, that of Patrick Zala.

Georges Glenn is finally back from his trip, we are then in CE 29, he brings back with him proof 01, a fossil. The fossil will then be taken to the Zodiac colony, located at LaGrange point L5, a thorough study of the fossil will determine that it is indeed real and cannot be a fake. The same study will reveal that the capacities of the creatures had to be equal, even superior to that of a whale (it will be named after that the whale of space), this revelation will upset the religious communities.

Religious authorities from around the world gather at a conference in Palestine in CE 30, but they will not be able to reach conclusions on the fossil, nor agreements, their influence will then be on the decline. At the same time, tensions are still rising against the Coordinators, the first attacks against the Coordinators will begin. New colonies are built at LaGrange point L4, among them the Mendel colony. For its part, the kingdom of Orb begins the construction of its Mass Driver in Kaguya, as well as that of its mining colony Heliopolis.

The restrictions against Georges Glenn have been lifted and he can study the “Proof-01” fossil. The colony's extraterrestrial life research center is becoming more and more important, we are then in CE 31.

The Moon will be colonized again with the creation of the Ptolemaeus base, base of the Atlantic Federation in CE 35. The Federation also develops the first Mobile Armor. For its part, the Eurasian Federation begins the creation of its new fortress in the asteroid Artemis.

In CE 38 the Zodiac colony is expanding, many similar colonies are built, Georges Glenn announces the design of new colonies, different in scale and shape. The project is then financially sponsored by the 3 Terrestrial blocks at the LaGrange L5 point, each group will be represented within these colonies.

The first generation of Coordinators born in secret demonstrate their abilities to surpass the Naturals on many physical and intellectual levels. Tensions rise during CE 40, the Catholic and Islamic religions unite by joining the Blue Cosmos in secret.

The 1st generation Coordinators marry (among themselves), the children resulting from these marriages, of the second generation Coordinators, inherit the genetic manipulations of the parents, becoming more successful and efficient Coordinators. CE 41 will thus see the tensions still grow towards the Coordinators, it will also see the birth of Muruta Azrael (Murta Azrael in VF).

The construction of the L5 colonies is progressing well during the year CE 43, Patrick Zala and Siegel Clyne will then meet for the first time on the construction site of the future colonies. Mwu La Flaga will be born the same year on November 29th.

The first settlement is completed in CE 44 (future Aprilius City). The complexes are renamed PLANT. These are production sites, but they are forbidden to produce food, everything must be exclusively imported from Earth.

CE 45, the population of Coordinators is estimated at more or less 10 million, they are apparently the only ones able to work effectively on the PLANT. Colonies are able to produce everything except food, which they have always been denied. The PLANTs are also victims of terrorist acts against their installations. Having no political autonomy or military infrastructure, the Coordinators living on the PLANTs are increasingly anxious. On October 12 will be born Murrue Ramius (Maryu Ramius in VF).

Al La Fraga, the father of young Mwu, goes to the L4 Mendel colony, he goes to see Dr. Ulen Hibiki, head of the GARM R&D research center, Al La Fraga wishes the creation of a clone of himself, wishing a pure "offspring". Hibiki will accept to finance his research, he will thus create the clone of Al, known under the name of Rau La Fraga. CE 46 will also be the birth year of Arnold Neumann (June 9) and Natarle Bajirule (December 24).

Patrick Zala and Siegel Clyne form the political movement Zodiac Alliance which aims to give real political autonomy to PLANT. They establish food production sites and install security systems. Not approving of this, the Earth powers terminated their sponsorship in the year CE 50. The Zodiac Alliance movement would not last more than a few months, without funding it is difficult to keep the movement active.

The first step towards the escalation of the ever-growing hatred is taken in CE 53, the assassination of Georges Glenn orchestrated by the Blue Cosmos, according to rumors, because of his origins as Coordinators. This incident will then motivate the PLANTs to form what will be called the Supreme Council made up of representatives from each colony of the PLANTs.

CE 54 will be a year full of births, Dearka Elsman on March 29 in Februarius City (PLANT), Sai Argyle on Earth on July 20, and Yzak Jule on August 8 in Martius City on PLANT. However, she will not be the happiest, the Type S virus (which decimated a large part of the population during the Reconstruction War) has mutated into the Type S2 virus. The existing vaccines against Type S being ineffective, the virus spreads rapidly. Rumors are rife, the Coordinators are accused of having created the virus to avenge the death of Georges Glenn, indeed only the Naturals die from this virus, while the Coordinators are spared. In all this tumult Dr. Hibiki seeks to advance his project to create the Ultimate Coordinator, he then extracts one of the embryos of his wife, then pregnant with twins.

Religious institutions clearly state that the Coordinators are the cause of the virus, God is punishing Natural human beings for playing with the laws of nature in this way. We are then in CE 55, a vaccine is developed on the PLANTs and distributed on Earth, but it is too late. The Torino Protocol, aimed at purely and simply prohibiting genetic manipulation once and for all on Earth, is then adopted. Tensions against the Coordinators continue to grow, pushing the last of them living on Earth to return to space. CE 55 is also a year full of births, with Lacus Clyne (February 5 in Aprilius City on the PLANTs), but also Miriallia Haw (February 17), Tolle Koening (April 11), Kuzzey Buskirk (Kazui Baskirk in VF, the August 25), Asran Zala (October 29 in Dember City on the PLANT). The same year will be born the twins of Dr. Hibiki on the colony Mendel (May 18), but the Blue Cosmos making the Coordinators responsible for the losses related to the Type S2 virus will attack the colony and the research center, having learned that the attack was about to happen, Dr. Hibiki's wife, Via Hibiki, sent her children to her sister Caridad Yamato to take care of them. Caridad wishing to protect the two children at the death of her sister will take the decision to separate the children, she will keep the boy named Kira, and will contact the Attha family, to protect the little girl named Cagalli, Cagalli will be adopted by Uzumi Nara Attha.

The three Earth powers establish a military presence around PLANT, this union will form the Earth Alliance in CE 57.

CE 58 Siegel Clyne and Patrick Zala are elected to the Supreme Council of PLANT, the Zodiac Alliance has more and more supporters, thus inflating the group created by the two men. The same year Orb changes leadership, Uzumi Nara Attha becomes the new head of state of the country, he will then launch the construction of the space elevator Ame-NO-Mahashira.

The earth imposes more and more production quotas on the PLANTs, in CE 60 the colonies of the PLANTs are the producers of the vast majority of products and energy of the Earth.

Patrick Zala is targeted by a terrorist attack on a PLANT colony in CE 61, so he decides to send his son Asran Zala to school on the Copernicus moon base. Over there, the young Asran will meet Kira Yamato with whom he will bind deep bonds of friendship.

PLANT's energy production department is destroyed by a terrorist attack by Blue Cosmos. PLANT asks to stop the exports, the sponsors refuse and threaten with their Mobile Armor. PLANT's demands for autonomy become stronger and stronger following the events, we are in CE 63. Siegel Clyne and Patrick Zala become the leaders of the PLANT Council and launch an independence movement. This will also mark the beginning of the Mobile Suit research program for military purposes.

The first prototype of armed Mobile Suit is completed in CE 65, the Zodiac Alliance also changes its name and becomes the Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty alias ZAFT .

It will take 2 years for the first real ZAFT MS to see the light of day, we are in CE 67 and the YMF-01B Proto GINN is then created. The production is then launched in series, in the greatest secrecy on Maius City.

Siegel Clyne was elected Supreme Chancellor of the PLANT Council in CE 68. Consisting mostly of ZAFT members, the Supreme Council made PLANT's independence a number one priority along with military development. Blue Cosmos is gaining ground and the persecutions of the last Coordinators on Earth continue, the few remaining Coordinators all immigrating to PLANT. Chancellor Clyne makes trade arrangements with the United States of South America and the Ocean Union. PLANT's sponsors learned of this and called for Clyne's removal, the dissolution of PLANT's board, and the abandonment of independence plans. All of these requests are denied. Following the Mandelbrot incident, Patrick Zala became head of ZAFT, which is integrated into PLANT as a military organization. A bacteriological attack in the Mendel Colony, rumored to be from Blue Cosmos, results in many deaths. The area was sterilized with a massive X-ray bombardment. Patrick Zala recalls his son Asran from Copernicus. Faced with the dangers involved, the Yamato family leaves Copernicus also for Heliopolis.

Siegel Clyne decides to change the production function of Junius 7 to make it an agricultural colony. This approach going against the decisions of the sponsors who categorically refuse that the PLANT is self-sufficient, will trigger a military response. Intimidation maneuvers will be carried out around the PLANTs, but without effect, the MS of ZAFT will thus make their first combative outing which will result in the victory of ZAFT. Faced with the superiority of ZAFT's weapons, Captain Halberton proposes the "Series G" project, but this will not be heard and the project will be put aside, at least officially. ZAFT asks again for its independence in CE 69, with a proposal for fair trade between the colonies and all the nations of the Earth, in the event of refusal the PLANT will stop the exports.

January 1 CE 70 negotiations between PLANT and the sponsoring nations

were about to begin, but a terrorist attack will leave only one survivor of the Supreme Council. The Blue Cosmos claims the attack, however it turns out that it is the sponsors who ordered the attack, the PLANT will therefore cease exports to Earth. The nations then dependent on the PLANT see themselves deprived of power. On February 5, the Secretary General of the United Nations initiates negotiations on Copernicus, but a terrorist attack will once again cause a massacre among the advisers. Siegel Clyne was only lucky enough to survive thanks to a shuttle failure. The events will follow one another quickly following this, on February 7 the various Earth blocks unite in the Earth Alliance (OMNI) following an attack during the Declaration of Alaska, the PLANT are then accused of having carried out the attack on Alaska, and therefore initiated an act of war against the newly created Alliance. On the same day, President Attha will declare the neutrality and independence of the nation of Orb. On February 11 the Earth Alliance declares war on PLANT. An invasion force is launched from the Ptolemaeus base. The Blue Cosmos loads nuclear missiles into the Roosevelt spaceship. Although the Ms of ZAFT manage to repel the Alliance, the Junius 7 colony is wiped out by a nuclear missile strike. 243,721 people are killed. Among the dead, Leonore Zala, wife of Patrick Zala and mother of Asran, this tragedy taking place on February 14 will then be called Bloody Valentine's Day. During the Junius 7 memorial address on February 18, Chancellor Clyne says ZAFT will fight until the end. He announces that the nations which will not join the Alliance will profit from privileged commercial links with PLANT. The Oceanic Union and the United States of South America (USAS) accept the offer. It will not take more for the Alliance to invade the base of Panama, thus annexing at the same time South America which is now a member of the Alliance, we are then on February 19th. The next day, February 20, the Oceanic Union will condemn the attack having annexed South America by the Alliance, the Oceanic Union will then support the PLANTs and will therefore find itself at war against the Alliance.

On February 21 Yzak Jule and Asran Zala join ZAFT.

The Alliance sends its 4th and 6th fleet while PLANT deploys its Neutron Jammers for the first time, this operation will be known as the Battle of Yggdrasil. Casualties for the Alliance and ZAFT are heavy, Yggdrasil is destroyed and will join the debris belt formed by Junius 7. Raw The Crucible is decorated with the Nebula Order for fulfilling its duty by having destroyed 37 Mobile Armor and 6 vessels.

ZAFT tries to invade the base in Victoria, it will be the first battle of Victoria on March 8, the operation will be a failure. On March 15, following the fiasco of the Battle of Victoria, ZAFT decided to undertake Operation Ourobouros. For the sake of propaganda ZAFT will also launch several new models of Mobile Suit ZGMF-515 CGUE, AMF-101 DINN, TMF/A-802 BuCue, TFA-2 ZuOOT and UMF-4A GOOhN.

On April 1, Zaft will launch Operation Ourobouros, the operation consists of saturating the planet with Neutron Jammers in order to limit the capabilities of the Earth forces, as well as taking the Mass Drivers from the planet to confine the Alliance forces to Earth. This day will then be called the April Fool's Day crisis, leaving the Earth in a serious energy crisis. ZAFT launches to Earth the pieces of a prefabricated base in the Gulf of Carpentaria on April 2. In 48 hours the foundations are completed. The Alliance fails to postpone construction.

An attempted invasion of PLANT by the 5th and 6th Fleet from the base of Ptolemaeus is intercepted and defeated by the forces of Jachin Due, it is then April 17th. The following month will also be punctuated by several battles and skirmishes, on May 3 ZAFT attacks the base of Ptolemaeus and also manages to install a lunar base, this base will then split the Moon in two with what is called the Grimaldi Frontier , delimiting the two camps. On May 20, the Carpentaria base is completed and ZAFT deploys its new aerial MS (the DINNs) there. May 22 marks the invasion of the Mediterranean and the beginning of the program of conquest of the Terrestrial bases and on May 25 the first battle of Casablanca saw the victory of ZAFT which will build its base of Gibraltar.

The clashes continued unabated, on May 30 it was the turn of the Battle of Suez, which ended in defeat for the Alliance, in particular thanks to the feats of arms of Andrew Warthfeld during which he earned his nickname "Tiger of the desert".

In space the fighting also continues, the battle of Grimaldi is still raging, and on June 2, at the Endymion crater, the Alliance will find itself in great difficulty, it is only thanks to the use of the Cyclops system that victory against ZAFT will be possible, but at the cost of heavy sacrifices. Sole survivor of the Alliance and the 3rd fleet, Mwu La Flaga at the controls of his TS-MA2mod.00 Moebius Zero will then be nicknamed "Falcon of Endymion". Following this defeat ZAFT decides to drop the conquest of the Moon.

On June 14, the battle of Nova will then begin, being at point Lagrange 4 (L4) the Nova satellite is targeted by ZAFT, this one controlled by the Republic of East Asia. No less than a month of conflict will cover the area and the surrounding colonies in blood, a ceasefire will then be signed by both parties, and the Republic of East Asia will drop the Nova satellite which will be taken over by ZAFT. Following this failure, Commander Halberton's project was reassessed and implemented. The "G-series" project is then initiated with the assistance of Morgenroete, the MS and the Archangel combat ship are designed at the same time and are transported to the Heliopolis colony.

The year 70 of the CE will end with, on September 20th, the graduation of Asran Zala from the military academy, he will then be assigned to the Le Creuset squadron with Yzak Jule, Dearka Elsman, Nicol Amarfi and Rusty McKenzie. On October 22, there will be a secret meeting between Siegel Clyne and Secretary General Olbany with the Reverend Malchio as an intermediary to negotiate a peace treaty in order to stop the war and the famine which is falling on Earth, unfortunately the negotiations fail.

But this calm will not last, on January 15 CE71 the activities in the Pacific intensify. ZAFT attacks the Kaohsiung spaceport in the East Asian Republic, the base will fall on January 23. Meanwhile the 5 GAT-X type MS and the Archangel ship are finally finished and are then in the finalization phase, we are then January 20th.

The Le Creuset team investigates a report that the Alliance is designing a base on L3. This one is wrong. Nevertheless, thanks to a spy on Heliopolis, they learn of the existence of the MS present in Heliopolis. The next day, January 25, the Le Creuset team infiltrates Heliopolis and manages to capture the prototype GAT-X series: GAT-X102 Duel, GAT-X103 Buster, GAT-X207 Blitz and GAT-X 303 Aegis, Rusty is killed in combat. Asran Zala and Kira Yamato then find themselves on Heliopolis, but in the middle of a fight. Kira Yamato is rescued by Murrue Ramius by getting him on board the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam , this will be the first real Strike Gundam fight that will be

piloted by Kira Yamato by the force of events. He manages to take down Miguel Ayman and his GINN, the Archangel is activated by Ensign Natarle Badjirule after a failed attempt to destroy the latter. The Strike Gundam, Kira Yamato, Murrue Ramius, and Kira's classmates are brought aboard the Archangel. Six hours later, Heliopolis breaks apart from repeated explosions from ZAFT's assault on the Archangel ship and civilians evacuated. Lieutenant Mwu La Flaga who escorted the pilots destined for the Gundam joins the Archangel with his Moebius Zero and Murrue Ramius is named captain of the Archangel. The ship begins a silent exit to flee Heliopolis towards the Artemis base. On January 27, the Archangel finally arrives at the Artemis satellite base under Eurasia command. Eager to appropriate the Archangel and the Strike, the base commander wanted to guard the ship in order to better arm his economic block, but ZAFT will attack the base of Artemis with one of the freshly stolen Gundams. The GAT-X207 Blitz will use its ability to become invisible thanks to the Mirage Colloid technology, it will then do heavy damage to the base which will be destroyed by Le Creuset's ship, the Archangel will take advantage of the surrounding chaos to escape .

Lacus Clyne is on her way to Junius 7 aboard the ship Silverwind, it will be attacked on February 2, 71, she will be saved by Kira Yamato who picked up her signal on February 3, less than 24 hours after the attack that sank the Silverwind. Meanwhile Asran Zala is summoned to the Supreme Council of PLANT to give a briefing about the weapons stolen by the Le Creuset squadron.

On February 6, the Archangel picks up a message from the 8th fleet, the ship will then attempt to join the fleet but will be intercepted on the way, on February 7, while trying to join the vanguard of the fleet, the latter This is attacked by ZAFT and the Le Creuset squadron in particular. The vanguard is completely wiped out, on board was Flay Alstar's father, the Archangel being the next target, Lieutenant Badjirule warns ZAFT that the ship is holding Lacus Clyne, previously rescued, now serving as a hostage to get out of this delicate situation. Kira Yamato who does not condone the use of Lacus will decide to save her, he will give her to Asran Zala who will once again ask his childhood friend to join him.

On February 13 the Archangel finally succeeded in joining the 8th fleet led by General Halberton, the civilian personnel of the Archangel were then invited to leave the ship or to enlist, they had been declared as volunteers in order to avoid any problem. Kira Yamato, Flay Alstar, Miriallia Haw, Tolle Koening, Sai Argyle and Kazui Baskirk commit to the ship permanently. Sent to Earth the Archangel then begins its descent when the Le Creuset squadron attacks the fleet, the Alliance armada will be completely annihilated to protect the Archangel, the Strike will then be part of the game and will be caught up in the Duel , its pilot, Yzak Jule having been injured by Kiralors from a previous confrontation wants his revenge, Yzak will destroy a shuttle full of civilians as it tried to re-enter the atmosphere. This incident will have the consequence of deeply upsetting Kira Yamato, he will then miss his return and will be saved in-extremis by the Archangel. ZAFT under pressure from the Supreme Council will then work twice as hard on Operation Ouroboros, the African front and especially the capture of the base in Victoria are now the priority.

On February 14 of CE 71, the commemoration of the Bloody Valentine's Day takes place on the PLANTs, it will be all the more important as ZAFT announces the capture of the Victoria base on the same day. Far from all this, the Archangel landed in Africa, in full territory controlled by ZAFT. Having been dragged down by Earth's gravity, Yzak Jule and Dearka Elsman were picked up with their respective Gundams by Gibraltar Base. There will be no respite for the crew of the Archangel which will be attacked the same evening by the forces of Andrew Warthfeld, the ship will owe its salvation with the help of a resistance group called "the Desert of the 'Dawn', but also to the extraordinary abilities of Kira Yamato. This organization counts in its ranks Cagalli, who will in fact be the daughter of the ruler of Orb.

In retaliation for the destruction of MS of his army, Warthfeld will decide to completely raze the city of Banadiya, they will warn the civilians so as not to kill innocent people, but the resistance fighters will leave in pursuit of the regiment which attacked the city, and many will perish.

On February 20, while Kira and Cagalli are dispatched to town to resupply the ship, they will meet Andrew Warthfeld, the famous Desert Tiger, Kira and he will discuss the role of each in this war, Warthfeld will let them go , despite knowing that they were his enemies.

On February 22, a Supreme Council on the PLANT is held, the Minister of Defense Patrick Zala wants to strengthen the offensive, only Chancellor Clyne opposes it, the differences begin to be felt. Meanwhile Asran Zala visits Lacus, his fiancée.

On February 26 Yzak Jule and Dearka Elsman are assigned to the Warthfeld team, on February 28 will then be launched the operation to destroy the Archangel by the forces of Warthfeld known as the Battle of Banadiya. The Archangel's victory will be limited and the damage significant, Kira Yamato will face Andrew Warthfeld and his TMF / A-803 LaGOWE, after a fierce fight Kira will overcome his opponent, but he will remain a taste bitter in the mouth at the end of this confrontation.

On March 3, the Archangel sailed to the Red Sea, Cagalli and a

be a man, Kisaka Ledonir. The ship will be attacked by Commander Morassim's team, he has indeed received the order from Le Creuse to pursue and shoot down the Archangel before it reaches the JOSH-A base in Alaska. The Vosgulov-class submarine then chases the ship, and will send two AMF-101 DINNs and 2 UMF-4A GOOhNs into battle, the two GOOhNs will be destroyed by the Strike Gundam, while one of the two DINNs will be destroyed by the Archangel and the second damaged by Mwu La Flaga (Morassim himself is in command of this personalized DINN). Asran Zala and Nicol Amarfi land on the Gibraltar base and thus join Yzak Jule and Dearka Elsman, the Zala squadron is then formed and Asran appointed squadron leader on March 6. The next day, a new skirmish between the Archangel and Morassim's submarine takes place, the Zala squadron is then on its way to Carpentaria on board the carrier. During the fight between the Archangel and Morassim's men, Cagalli, who was then at the controls of an FX-550 Skygrasper, helped Commander La Flaga destroy the submarine while the Strike destroyed the other enemy units, including the UMF-5 ZnO of Morassim (which will perish at sea). While Cagalli suffers damage on her aircraft she returns to the Archangel, but she encounters a ZAFT transporter on the way, exchanges of fire take place and she will damage the transporter who will have to drop her cargo, Cagalli's Skygrasper being also affected, she will land off a small island. On this island is also Asran Zala who was in the attacked carrier, they then meet and spend the night on the island as enemies, however they will end up bonding, then considering themselves as people and no longer as adversaries.

They will be recovered by their respective camp on March 8th.

The Archangel reaches the Straits of Malacca where it battles ZAFT forces. The Zala team was unable to get there in time due to a failure of their submarine. The Archangel escaped without major damage on March 15.

The ship will be attacked by the Zala squadron on March 25 not far from the coast of Orb, it will then be targeted by the forces of Orb, who in fact cover the ship, thus making it possible to moor at the port on the Onogoro Island. Following this subterfuge, the president will ask for compensation for the help given, because if they were saved it is also because Cagalli is the daughter of President Attha. On February 25, Kira Yamato was then called upon to contribute to the development of the MBF-M1 Astray, more precisely to improve their OS. A few days later, on February 28, the Zala squadron secretly infiltrates Orb to investigate, Asran will then have an unexpected encounter, he will meet Kira, separated by a fence, they discuss while Asran returns the little robot Tori (Birdie in VF) to Kira.

On April 1st Patrick Zala is elected Supreme Chancellor of PLANT, he launches the Spit Break operation to intensify the effect of the Ourobouros operation which will be approved the same day by the Council.

April 15 marks the departure of the Archangel from the nation of Orb, it leaves the port of Onogoro early in the morning, but the Zala squadron is waiting for them, barely has the ship left the territorial waters of Orb. Orb that he is attacked. A violent fight that will end in a duel between Kira and Asran, while Kira wants to deal a mortal blow to his former friend, Nicol intervenes between the two young men with his Blitz Gundam, hit in the cockpit he will perish following the explosion of his Gundam.

The Archangel is attacked by the Zala team over the Marshall Islands on April 17. Tolle Koenig is killed in action by Asran, Kira Yamato is missing following his fight against Asran Zala which ended with the explosion of the Aegis Gundam against the Strike Gundam, at the same time Dearka Elsman is captured by the 'Archangel with the Buster Gundam. Orb receives a message from the Archangel, a search party is then sent on April 18, Cagalli then finds Asran injured, he will be rescued and returned to ZAFT. Kira will be found alive by the Reverent Malchio, he will then be secretly transported to Aprilius 1 in the Clyne residence.

The Reverend Malchio who is traveling on the PLANT as an emissary of peace presents May 1 a peace compromise which will be rejected.

The Archangel continues its journey towards the base of JOSH-A in Alaska, it will arrive there on May 2. The same day Asran Zala leaves for the base of Carpentaria to be sent into space and is decorated with the Order of Nebula, Yzak will be assigned to him for Operation Spit Break. Archangel Officers are under investigation for their actions since leaving Heliopolis on May 5, launching Operation Spit Break 72 hours late due to last minute target change . Operation Spit Break begins on May 8, Archangel is assigned to defend the base, and some crew members are reassigned, such as Natale Badjirule, Flay Alstar, and Mwu La Flaga. During the chaos that will follow the attack, La Flaga will join the Archangel to warn them of the threat, the Alliance has decided to sacrifice many soldiers on site as well as the ship to annihilate a large part of the ZAFT army. thanks to the Cyclops system. Kira who is then on Aprilius 1 wants to join his friends to defend them, but especially to try to put an end to this war. He will be helped by Lacus Clyne, she will entrust him with the controls of the ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam, he will manage to join the Archangel thanks to the great performance of the MS and save them, he will also try to save as many soldiers as possible on the field of battle by warning them of danger, regardless of their side.

The Clyne family is therefore considered dissident to the PLANT regime and accused of high treason, following the theft of the Gundam Freedom. On May 11, Asran who learns the news decides to go in search of Lacus, in order to obtain explanations, he will eventually find her and a discussion on the stakes of the war, the real enemies of peace is held between them. . Asran will eventually let Lacus go. Chancellor Zala declares that the failure of the Alaskan attack and the theft of the Freedom is the cause of the Clyne faction, the Faction is disbanded by the Supreme Council on May 12, Siegel Clyne is executed. Lacus manages to escape with the help of Andrew Warthfeld.

The Archangel then joined Orb on May 15 and definitively deserted the Alliance, on May 17 Asran received the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam, with the mission of destroying the Freedom if it was impossible to recover it. In response to the events in Alaska, ZAFT decides to destroy the base in Panama, so on May 25 ZAFT sends a maximum of its forces as well as Gungnir type EMPs to destroy the base, despite the intervention of the brand new models of Alliance MS, GAT-01 Strike Dagger, Mass Driver and base will be destroyed. On May 29 the Alliance organizes a meeting, Muruta Azrael, representative of an industrial arms conglomerate proposes to recover the Mass Driver from Orb, an operation to reconquer Victoria is also set up, the forces of the Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Republic are against it, yet they are sent to the front and make up the bulk of the army for the attack.

Following this meeting, June 1 marks a call from the Alliance for solidarity and unification, this call is launched in Orb, the Kingdom of Scandinavia and the Ecuadorian Union, the only states still neutral. By doing this the Alliance thinks to convince the public opinion of the neutral states to join them, in the shadows the Alliance puts pressure on the various heads of state to push them to join them.

Orb will then be pushed to the wall on June 13 with a 48-hour ultimatum, if Orb does not dismantle its parliament, does not provide its weapons and technologies, and if Uzumi Narra Attha does not leave his title of president, the Alliance will invade Orb. The purpose of the maneuver being to recover the Mass Driver, and to recover the Alliance's ability to return to space. The members of the Archangel are then warned of the situation, and the volunteers to help Orb are asked to stay fighting, about ten crew members, including Kazui Baskirk, will leave the crew and the ship. At the same time, Asran who is on the Marshall Islands meets the Reverend Malchio, he will then realize that the conflict is wreaking havoc on both sides.

On June 15, 48 hours after the ultimatum that Orb rejects, the ships of the 4th fleet then attack the nation with their Strike Daggers, but also the new series of GAT-X, the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam, the GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam and the GAT-X370 Raider Gundam. The M1-Astray are put for the first time in a real combat situation, Asran joins the battle with his Justice Gundam and will come to the aid of the forces of Orb. Civilians are being evacuated during the fighting and casualties are lamented, the parents and sister of young Shinn Asuka are killed by stray fire from the fighting in their escape from Orb. Kira and Asran meet after the battle, no longer as enemies, but as friends, they then take the time to discuss this war and its consequences, their respective roles and errors. Asran Zala joins Orb permanently, along with his former ZAFT comrade, Dearka Elsman and his Buster Gundam. The next day, June 16, the Alliance launched a new offensive against Orb, Uzumi Nara Attha decided to evacuate to space and sent back the Kusanagi and the Archangel, during the attack he pushed Cagalli to evacuate, and then as he leads her to the Kusanagi he reveals to Cagalli that Kira is his brother. He then self-destroys the facilities of Morgenroete, Kaguya's mass driver, and the Onogoro underground weapons factory, Uzumi Nara Attha as well as members of the Orb government will perish in the explosion, a new temporary government is elected to Orb, he has become a sympathizer of the Alliance.

The Kusanagi which has joined space begins its completion, on June 18 all the parts of the ship are assembled and it takes the road to LaGrange 4 point accompanied by the Archangel. Meanwhile on Earth, OMNI forces attack Victoria-based ZAFT forces, in an attempt to reclaim the base. Thanks to the new Alliance Gundams this attack will be a victory. On June 20 the new Archangel class ship, the Dominion, is completed, the new captain will be Natale Badjirule. On June 25, the Mass Driver in Victoria being fully operational again, it will be used to send Alliance forces into space, in particular the 3 Alliance Gundams which will join the Dominion. The Supreme Council of PLANT decides on June 26 to build new lines of defense, Raw Le Creuset is recalled on the PLANT, it will take off the next day accompanied by Flay Alstar and Yzak Jule. On June 28, it is the turn of Muruta Azrael and the 3 new GAT-Xs to join space. The Archangel and the Kusanagi arrive near the Mendel colony in L4 on June 30.

Asran decides to return to PLANT to confront his father. Nevertheless the latter refuses his change of camp and has him arrested for high treason, Asran is rescued by the men that Lacus Clyne has recruited, Lacus Clyne and Andrew Warthfeld steal the new ship designed by ZAFT the FFMH-Y101 Eternal, they will be accompanied by Kira Yamato. On July 5 the Eternal joined the Mendel colony and the two other ships, thus forming an alliance. Le Creuset receives the mission to pursue the Eternal and he takes the direction of the Mendel colony, on July 7th. On July 12 the Dominion launches its attack on the Mendel Colony, the Archangel then advances to fight it and thus allow the Kusanagi and the Eternal to escape. But Le Creuset is also in the game, and he goes into battle against La Flaga (who is in command of the Strike Gundam). Le Creuset drags La Flaga and Yamato to the Mendel colony, where he will reveal his identity to them, but also Kira's true nature. Kira and Mwu escape from the colony and return to the Archangel, Mwu injured returns to the ship, but Kira continues the fight, disturbed by what he has just learned he will be hit while trying to recover Flay, released by Le Creuset a few moments earlier. Flay Alstar and his escape pod will be recovered by the Dominion, she has a file that Le Creuset entrusted to her, with the plans of the Anti N-Jammers, and therefore the use of the nuclear weapon.

Factions move back and forth, Eternal establishes contact with Orb nationals, Clyne faction members and Alliance pacifists, Reverend Marchio also helps by connecting them with Junk Guild to end the war. ZAFT prepares for an Alliance offensive. The Alliance as for it is in full production of its new nuclear missiles, we are then July 6th.

On July 24, the Alliance launches attack against the base of Gibraltar, ZAFT then defeated leaves Europe.

On June 15, 48 hours after the ultimatum that Orb rejects, the ships of the 4th fleet then attack the nation with their Strike Daggers, but also the new series of GAT-X, the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam, the GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam and the GAT-X370 Raider Gundam. The M1-Astray are put for the first time in a real combat situation, Asran joins the battle with his Justice Gundam and will come to the aid of the forces of Orb. Civilians are being evacuated during the fighting and casualties are lamented, the parents and sister of young Shinn Asuka are killed by stray fire from the fighting in their escape from Orb. Kira and Asran meet after the battle, no longer as enemies, but as friends, they then take the time to discuss this war and its consequences, their respective roles and errors. Asran Zala joins Orb permanently, along with his former ZAFT comrade, Dearka Elsman and his Buster Gundam. The next day, June 16, the Alliance launched a new offensive against Orb, Uzumi Nara Attha decided to evacuate to space and sent back the Kusanagi and the Archangel, during the attack he pushed Cagalli to evacuate, and then as he leads her to the Kusanagi he reveals to Cagalli that Kira is his brother. He then self-destroys the facilities of Morgenroete, Kaguya's mass driver, and the Onogoro underground weapons factory, Uzumi Nara Attha as well as members of the Orb government will perish in the explosion, a new temporary government is elected to Orb, he has become a sympathizer of the Alliance.

The Kusanagi which has joined space begins its completion, on June 18 all the parts of the ship are assembled and it takes the road to LaGrange 4 point accompanied by the Archangel. Meanwhile on Earth, OMNI forces attack Victoria-based ZAFT forces, in an attempt to reclaim the base. Thanks to the new Alliance Gundams this attack will be a victory. On June 20 the new Archangel class ship, the Dominion, is completed, the new captain will be Natale Badjirule. On June 25, the Mass Driver in Victoria being fully operational again, it will be used to send Alliance forces into space, in particular the 3 Alliance Gundams which will join the Dominion. The Supreme Council of PLANT decides on June 26 to build new lines of defense, Raw Le Creuset is recalled on the PLANT, it will take off the next day accompanied by Flay Alstar and Yzak Jule. On June 28, it is the turn of Muruta Azrael and the 3 new GAT-Xs to join space. The Archangel and the Kusanagi arrive near the Mendel colony in L4 on June 30.

Asran decides to return to PLANT to confront his father. Nevertheless the latter refuses his change of camp and has him arrested for high treason, Asran is rescued by the men that Lacus Clyne has recruited, Lacus Clyne and Andrew Warthfeld steal the new ship designed by ZAFT the FFMH-Y101 Eternal, they will be accompanied by Kira Yamato. On July 5 the Eternal joined the Mendel colony and the two other ships, thus forming an alliance. Le Creuset receives the mission to pursue the Eternal and he takes the direction of the Mendel colony, on July 7th. On July 12 the Dominion launches its attack on the Mendel Colony, the Archangel then advances to fight it and thus allow the Kusanagi and the Eternal to escape. But Le Creuset is also in the game, and he goes into battle against La Flaga (who is in command of the Strike Gundam). Le Creuset drags La Flaga and Yamato to the Mendel colony, where he will reveal his identity to them, but also Kira's true nature. Kira and Mwu escape from the colony and return to the Archangel, Mwu injured returns to the ship, but Kira continues the fight, disturbed by what he has just learned he will be hit while trying to recover Flay, released by Le Creuset a few moments earlier. Flay Alstar and his escape pod will be recovered by the Dominion, she has a file that Le Creuset entrusted to her, with the plans of the Anti N-Jammers, and therefore the use of the nuclear weapon.

Factions move back and forth, Eternal establishes contact with Orb nationals, Clyne faction members and Alliance pacifists, Reverend Marchio also helps by connecting them with Junk Guild to end the war. ZAFT prepares for an Alliance offensive. The Alliance as for it is in full production of its new nuclear missiles, we are then July 6th.

On July 24, the Alliance launches attack against the base of Gibraltar, ZAFT then defeated leaves Europe.

The war intensifies, on September 26 the Alliance launches a new offensive against the PLANT, simultaneously the squadrons then baptized "squadron of peace" (Peacemaker) attack the base Jachin Due and the PLANT. The alliance of three ships formed by the Kusanagi, the Eternal and the Archangel then intervenes to defend the PLANT, the Justice and the Freedom, equipped with their METEOR support units they manage to protect, with the help of ZAFT, PLANT colonies. On Jachin Due the fighting is also raging, President Zala orders the use of GENESIS. This GAMMA particle cannon which uses nuclear energy, fires a shot that will destroy nuclear missiles that target the base and also destroy 40% of the Alliance fleet. Following this firing ZAFT replaces the firing mirror with another one, during this time the base is under attack from the remaining Alliance forces in order to prevent a new firing, indeed Commander Bajirule had ordered a withdrawal in order to to reorganize the forces, but Azrael contradicted this strategy and gave the counter-order to launch the attack immediately. In his murderous madness, Azrael wants to annihilate the PLANTs definitively, the lunar base then sends a fleet of ships containing missiles. The alliance of the three ships launches an analysis of the data of the GENESIS, according to the calculations if a shot hits the Earth then all life would be destroyed, and the planet rendered uninhabitable. The Archangel then leaves in contact with the Dominion, while the Eternal and the Kusanagi head towards the GENESIS in order to destroy it, Gundams from the triple alliance then protect the PLANT, while the others try to destroy the cannon of ZAFT .

Rau Le Creuset receives the new Gundam created by ZAFT, the ZGMF-X13A Providence, with orders to end this fight. The Alliance fleet is approaching and the mirror has been changed, the GENESIS then fires on the Ptolemaeus lunar base, the base is scratched from the surface of the Moon, the lunar fleet which was on the trajectory was destroyed at more than 50% too, and with it the reinforcements of the Alliance, which finds itself in a very bad position. Azrael then orders Captain Sutherland to send what's left of the Peace Squadron, Natarle Bajirule warns him, destroying the PLANTs won't stop GENESIS from firing on Earth, but Azrael won't. does not listen and persists in wanting to destroy the Coordinators. Azrael then points a weapon at Natarle, reminding him that he is in charge, the Archangel then comes within reach of the Dominion, the fight begins. Meanwhile Patrick Zala designates the new target of GENESIS, the Earth.

The PLANTs are saved from the nuclear attack by the ZAFT teams remaining in protection, as well as the Gundams. Following which the forces leave for the destruction of the GENESIS cannon, as allies of circumstance. The Archangel and the Dominion are still in the middle of a battle, each of the ships having suffered heavy damage, Commander Bajirule orders to abandon the ship, but she will then be hit by Muruta Azrael, who still has his weapon fired at him. the Bajirule, telling her that she is showing insubordination. The Dominion crew leaves the ship in escape pods, with the Archangel seeing this cease all attacks, understanding that the fight is over, but Azrael points the remaining Lohengrin cannon at the Archangel and fires. Mwu La Fraga, who was damaged in battle against Rau, arrives in extremis to protect the bridge of the Archangel, this sacrifice will save the ship. Captain Ramius orders to retaliate in the same way, in order to avenge the loss of his love, Mwu La Fraga, despite the fact that Bajirule is in command of the Dominion. Kira then arrives near the Archangel to assist him when Rau Le Creuset attacks with his Gundam, the fight is tough because the Providence is equipped with the brand new DRAGOON system, the remote-controlled modules (Funnel) of the DRAGOON system destroy the Freedom's METEOR , during the fight the survivors of the Dominion capsules try to regain the Archangel, Kira then sees Flay in one of them and leaves to save her, but Rau fires with one of his Funnel, destroying the capsule and causing thus the death of Flay. Kira is then touched by an appearance of Flay, this one apologizing and thanking him for having always watched over her, it is then full of rage and combativeness that Kira sets out again to attack Providence.

As the GENESIS is replacing its mirror again to perform a new shot, Asran and Cagalli head towards it to destroy it, but the GENESIS is equipped not only with the Mirage Colloid, but also with a Phase Shift, they decide to enter the control room located on Jachin Due. When Asran arrives in the control room he finds his dying father, Patrick Zala has just been shot by a soldier who does not share his opinions, but Jachin Due's self-destruction is launched, and his destruction will lead to the automatic fire of GENESIS. They then make the decision to destroy GENESIS itself and inform the Eternal and the Kusanagi. The two ships manage to carry fire, but despite their firepower the GENESIS does not suffer any damage. The Providence Gundam then intervenes and destroys many of the two ships' armaments, it will be stopped before it can destroy them by Kira.

Asran aboard his Justice, and Cagalli at the controls of the Strike Rouge, rush towards GENESIS and manage to penetrate the barrel, there Asran decides to leave Cagalli in the background, he drops his dorsal pack in order to block the Strike Rouge. Once arrived at the heart of the GENESIS reactor, he launches the self-destruction of his Gundam, the explosion would then reduce the cannon to pieces, he will be prevented at the last moment by Cagalli who has come to save him. Asran then programs the self-destruction of Justice with a delay in order to be able to escape. Kira is still fighting The Crucible, and as he takes heavy damage and his Gundam is almost ruined, he manages to impale the Providence, at the same time the GENESIS initiates a shot that will partially damage the Freedom , the shot will be narrowly stopped by the destruction of the Justice.

The battle then ends, on September 27 CE71, Lacus calls for a ceasefire, the two belligerent parties then cease all fighting. Kira floats in space next to the wreckage of the Freedom, he thinks his end has come, he then sees Birdy heading towards him, and behind the little robot the silhouette of an MS emerges. Cagalli and Asran come to rescue him with what's left of Strike Rouge.

Zala's supporters are routed, in the chaos the members of the more moderate Supreme Council and in agreement with former Chancellor Siegel Clyne regain power, Eileen Canarva (Eileen Canaver in VO) leads the movement and takes control of the army, thus ceasing all hostility from ZAFT. Marking the first ceasefire of the war, the two sides entered into negotiations for several months.

Following this, soldiers of the Alliance decide to desert and flee into space, in the same spirit of the inhabitants and fighters of Orb eager for revenge exile in space.

The defeat of the Alliance opened the door to internal conflicts within it, the block of South America thus claiming its independence began a battle to obtain it, the month of November CE71 will be marred by this conflict.

The discussions and negotiations succeed, a new peace treaty is finally signed, on March 10 CE72 by the leaders of the PLANT and the Alliance.

During this year 72 of the CE calendar, peace is fragile. However, there were skirmishes between certain factions, the ODR (Orb Disaster Relief team, made up of members of the nation of Orb seeking revenge) will face off against members of the Antifactis and a few other Alliance blocs. With their new model the MVF-X08 Eclipse Gundam.

This fragile peace will be gently broken in CE73, an attack on the colony Armory One, located at the point LaGrange 4 (far from the PLANT) will mark the beginning of the return of the conflicts between the Alliance and the PLANT. Armory One is a colony dedicated solely to weaponry and the development of new MS and ships. The new president of PLANT, Gilbert Durandal, invited the press and nationals of other nations to a presentation of their new MS, as well as their new vessel in September. On October 2 CE73 the deputy Cagalli Yula Athha, accompanied by Alex Dino (alias Asran Zala) visit Armory One, the primary purpose of this visit being for Orb to understand the purpose for which these new weapons of war were created. During this diplomatic visit, the Alliance will launch an attack, the Phantom Pain special forces are on the move and have the mission of stealing the new models of MS, the Gundam ZGMF-X24S Chaos, ZGMF-X31S Abyss and ZGMF-X88S Gaia, but also cause maximum damage to Armory One's base. The new ship, the Minerva, will then be deployed, as well as the latest Gundam model available to ZAFT and which was on board the ship, the ZGMF-X56S Impulse, MS composed of modules that fit together to form an MS (thus that of different pack). Asran Zala had to take control of a ZGMF-1000 ZAKU Warrior with Cagalli on board, in order to protect her, but he will fall in front of one of the stolen models which will inflict damage on him, Shin Asuka and the Impulse will save them, he will in turn help Shin by charging one of the Gundams to create a diversion, but Cagalli will be injured during this maneuver, forcing Asran to fall back, he will win the Minerva to heal Cagalli. The 3 Gundam then leave the Armory One colony and return to their ship.

The Minerva will then be tasked with pursuing the Alliance ship Girty Lue (then named Boggey One by ZAFT), the Alliance ship will manage to temporarily deceive the Minerva, but the ZAFT ship being faster, the Girty Lue will be quickly caught up. The Alliance ship then ambushes the Minerva who manages to escape. Following Asran's tactical advice, the Girty Lue escapes and the Minerva abandons her pursuit.

The ZAFT ship will soon be assigned to another crucial mission the following day, October 3rd. Supporters of former President Patrick Zala go on the debris of Junius 7, it's Operation Break the World, which consists of the fall of the largest debris of Junius 7 on Earth. The intervention of the Joule team and the Minerva will not be sufficient and the piece will be split into two parts causing heavy damage to their impacts on Earth. Italy (Rome, the Vatican), Greece (Athens), China, the Czech Republic (Prague), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Canada (Toronto), England (Stonehenge), Tibet (the palace of the Dalai Lama) and Brazil. Zaft immediately sends humanitarian aid to the regions and to the victims of the disaster. Following the fall of the debris of Junius 7 on Earth many infrastructures were affected, the base of the DSSD (Deep Space Survey and Development organization) managed to send its prototype Mobile Suit into space before being impacted by a tsunami. The MS in question is the GSX-401FW Stargazer Gundam, developed with the aim of colonizing space beyond Mars. A unit of Phantom Pain will launch an attack on Troya Station, as the Stargazer's "light car" system is finalized. The Stargazer will participate in the defense of the base, using its ray reflection technology to damage its enemies, there will be a fight against the GAT-X105E+AQM/E-X09S Strike Noir Gundam, the heavily damaged Strike noir will be dropped by its pilot who will try to seize the Stargazer. Its pilot will then initiate a sequence to move away from the terrestrial sphere, taking the direction of Venus. Selene McGriff, the pilot, will activate her solar system to return to Earth slowly, they will arrive on Earth safe and sound after 27 days and 21 hours.

Meanwhile, the Minerva is dispatched to Earth to free it from Zala's followers who continue to attack Earth bases, but also to help the victims of Operation Break The World. Asran Zala thus abandons his identity of Alex Dino and becomes a member of FAITH (composed of the elite of ZAFT having both distinguished himself on the battlefield and demonstrated great moral quality, designated by Durandal himself), he is then entrusted with the ZGMF-X23S Savior Gundam as well as total freedom on the battlefield to perpetuate peace. Asran will also meet "Lacus", who is actually Meer Campbell impersonating Lacus Clyne, Durandal using him as an icon of peace. Officially, President Durandal designates those responsible for Operation Break the World as supporters of Patrick Zala, but also incriminates the LOGOS, a shadow entity that leads the Alliance, and composed of several former members of Blue Cosmos, rich and powerful. The second war between the PLANT and the Alliance then begins. In November the Alliance launches an attack against the PLANT which will mark the beginning of the war.

The Minerva continues its missions on Earth, the ship will participate in the liberation of several cities from the hands of the Alliance, Shin Asuka will stand out during the various missions, becoming an ace in the ZAFT army. Shin will thus meet Stella Loussier, the young woman is the pilot of the Gundam Gaia, and they will find themselves in a fight shortly after their meeting near the beach, Shin caught up with the young woman who was about to fall from the cliff , by the sea. Stella will be captured, but being an Extended (Biological CPU ) of the Alliance she must undergo regular treatment in order to guarantee her health, both physical and mental. Seeing her suffer, Shin will decide to leave the ship and return her to the Alliance, he hands her over to Neo Roanoke (Lornoké in French) asking him to watch over her. Back on the Minerva, Shin will be put under arrest for a few days, the time to decide on his punishment.

It's December CE73 and Orb signs a treaty that brings the nation into the Alliance, Cagalli strongly opposes it but the majority wins, she has to face the Seiran who are for Orb to participate to the Alliance's war effort, and thus become an economic power. Which doesn't bode well for the Minerva, as the ship is at anchor in the port of Orb for repairs, the fact that the neutral nation joins the Alliance becomes problematic. Prime Minister Unato Ema Seiran wishes to offer the Minerva as a gift to the Alliance, thus showing all the goodwill of the country. Informed by Warthfeld, the Minerva leaves the territorial waters of Orb, but the Alliance awaits it, Shin will then face the YMAF-X6BD Zamza-Zah, massive mobile armor of the forces of the Alliance. Shin will win his fight after awakening to the SEED.

While the real Lacus Clyne lives on Orb, in Reverend Malchio's orphanage, she was saved from an attempt to kill her, Kira Yamato. will take over control of the Freedom to protect her. Returning to the Archangel, Kira Yamato, Murrue Ramius, Warthfeld and former crew members set out to save Cagalli from his arranged marriage to Yuna Roma Seiran, another deputy, this marriage then aimed at strengthening the power of the Seiran. Kira will come to abduct Cagalli, saving her from her marriage. The vessel and its crew will remain hidden under the ocean following this, it will reach the Kingdom of Scandinavia to remain hidden there.

The Minerva continues its journey towards the ZAFT base in the Black Sea, en route it comes across an Alliance base housing a Lohengrin Positron Cannon. The base known as "The Lohengrin Gate" is protected by a Mobile Armor equipped with a ray deflector. The Minerva then sends the Impulse into close combat to destroy the Mobile Armor, thus opening a window of fire for the ship. Once the Lohengrin cannon is destroyed the Alliance leaves the area, freeing the local population.

The Minerva then proceeds to Gibraltar, but on its way it will be attacked. In the Dardanelles Strait a fleet of the Earth Alliance and Orb launches an attack, while it was about to fire its Tannhaüser positron cannon, the Freedom intervenes and destroys the Tannhaüser, which was then targeting Orb's flagship . Cagalli then calls for calm, asking the Orb forces not to fire, Yuna Roma Seiran then declares that it is a sham and orders to open fire against Cagalli's Red Strike and against the Archangel. Kira damaged Shin and his Impulse, but also Heine Westhenfluss, another FAITH pilot at the command of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited, but also the Abyss and the Gaia, yet being damaged will not prevent the Gaia to cut the GOUF in two, causing Heine's death as a result, Asran will be angry with Kira, without his intervention Heine might have been able to get away with it. The alliance will then launch a withdrawal, judging the situation tros chaotic.

A respite that will be short-lived, because the Alliance, always accompanied by the military forces of Orb, will again attack the Minerva. It is off Crete that the battle will rage, once again trying to end the fight, Cagalli and Kira will call for calm. Asran then engages in a duel against Kira, while Shin destroys the Abyss once and for all, in the midst of a fit of anger he relentlessly attacks the Orb fleet. Colonel Todaka, chief of the Orb armies on the spot, then orders to abandon the Takemikazuchi, the Orb aircraft carrier, while encouraging those who still believe in the neutrality of Orb to join the Archangel to help Cagalli to fight for peace. Shin and his Impulse will thus destroy the Takemikazuchi, Colonel Todaka still on the bridge will perish with the aircraft carrier, Shin has just killed the soldier who had helped him during the battle of Orb in the previous war.

The conflict continues to escalate, Lord Djibril, leader of the LOGOS organization, entrusts the latest model of massive Mobile Suit GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam to Neo Roanoke, who will leave it to Stella Loussier to pilot it. Berlin will be set on fire and bloodshed, several other ZAFT partisan territories are wiped off the map. ZAFt's forces are considerably reduced. The Destroy Gundam will be destroyed by the joint forces of the Minerva and the Archangel, it will be Kira and the Freedom who will deliver the killing blow. Stella Loussier will be killed in combat, under the eyes of the helpless Shin, he will carry Stella's remains to a lake not far from there, so that she can rest in peace.

Operation Fallen Angel is the Minerva's next mission, he is ordered to eliminate the Archangel because of the confusion they have brought to the conflicts. A battle between the two ships will take place, but the Archangel will manage to flee by simulating its destruction using the explosion of an ejected engine. A duel between Shinn Asuka and Kira Yamato, Shin will win the fight and the Freedom Gundam is destroyed, hinting at Kira Yamato's disappearance. Its pilot will come out unscathed having ejected his cockpit in time. Following this feat Shin will receive the ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam and Rey Za Burrel the ZGMF-X666S Legend Gundam. For his part, Asran does not understand Durandal's relentlessness against the Archangel, nor against his friend Kira Yamato. Durandal and Rey discuss Asran's case, they decide that he should be considered a traitor, but Asran will be helped by Meer who loves him very much. Asran manages to escape and hides in the quarters of Meyrin Hawke, the young woman will help Asran to reach the hangar of the MS, she will be embarked against her will, and in order to save her, by Asran in a GOUF. Shin goes in pursuit of the GOUF, as he gets closer Rey will manage to convince him that Asran and Meyrin are traitors who work for the LOGOS, Durandal manufacturing the necessary evidence for this incrimination. Finding it hard to believe, Shin will still do his duty and destroy the GOUF. Asran and Meyrin will survive by a miracle and will be saved by Ledoni Kisaka, former captain of the Kusanagi then stationed on an Alliance ship. They will be taken to the Archangel to be treated and brought to safety.

Durandal wishes to put an end to the LOGOS, Operation Ragnarok is then launched. ZAFT attacks the base of Heaven, the last stronghold of the LOGOS, Lord Djibril is in the base and orders the deployment of the Destroys, despite the power of the 5 giant Gundams they will be destroyed by Destiny and the Legend, the two Gundams being more powerful than the Destroys. Lord Djibril then decides to retaliate with the Nibelung cannon, ZAFT which drops forces from space cannot prevent the cannon similar to GENESIS from firing, all the forces in descent will be destroyed. Lunamaria Hawke, now in command of the Impulse, gives one of her swords to Rey, so the three of them will complete the destruction of the Destroys, freeing access to the Nibelung. Djibril will leave the LOGOS members in the base of Heaven, he will escape to Orb, ZAFT invests the base and thus wins the victory.

During ZAFT's attack on Heaven's base, DaCosta is sent by Warthfeld to investigate the Mendel colony, where he discovers a research notebook with "Destiny plan" written on it. He then returns to the Eternal, Lacus Clyne and Warthfeld went back into space to conduct their investigation and recover new MS. As the Eternal closes in on Earth, ZAFT forces ambush the ship, Lacus demands that the ship get close enough to Earth to send the ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam and ZGMF-X19A Infinite there. Justice Gundam. Kira learns that Lacus is in a bad position, he then uses the Red Strike equipped with a Booster (he will regain his original colors because of this equipment) to gain space. Warthfeld is already in combat in his Gaia, and the Strike helps Warthfeld somehow, but he is quickly overtaken by the ZAKUs and the GOUFs. Very damaged the Strike folds back into the Eternal, Kira then recovers his new MS, the Strike Freedom, it will only take him 2 minutes to disable the 25 MS of ZAFT, and this without human loss, he will also deploy his power of fire in order to neutralize the ZAFT vessels.

While Kira is in space with Lacus, the Archangel joins Orb, fearing that his country will be destroyed again, Cagalli wants to do everything to protect his country. Durandal having demanded that Lord Djibril be delivered to him in order to be judged, but Yuna Roma Seiran lies, Djibril wants to try to escape to the Moon thanks to the Mass Driver. Not believing the Seiran's words, ZAFT surrounds the island and begins an assault on the land of Orb.

Cagalli, who is still on the Archangel, joins Orb, the people have not been informed of the government's intentions and civilian casualties are likely to be very high. She then rebels against Yuna Roma Seiran, who is terrified of the war recognizes the legitimacy of Cagalli, the young woman of the new military leader of her country then dismisses Seiran and has him arrested. Ledonir Kisaka and Erica Simmons then give him his father's last wish, protect Orb, thanks to the ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam. Aboard her new MS Cagalli goes to the front to defend her country, she will quickly fall against Shin and his Destiny Gundam. At the same time, Kira returns to Earth with the Strike Freedom, but also the Infinite Justice for Asran (with Lacus on board). Kira intervenes between Cagalli and Shin, the young pilot of ZAFT is surprised and confused to find Kira whom he thought dead, Lacus delivers the Infinite Justice on the Archangel, and it is an Asran in poor condition who waits. Lacus and Asran will briefly discuss this war and what he intends to do, he is more determined than ever that he climbs into the cockpit of the Infinite Justice and takes part in the fight to protect Orb and the peace. Rey in turn intervenes on the battlefield, with his Legend, at the sight of the Legend Kira had the vision of Rau Le Creuset and Providence. Taking advantage of this second of inattention, Shin launches an attack on the Strike Freedom, but he is stopped by Asran and the Infinite Justice. Again in front of a supposedly dead person, Shin is again destabilized and takes damage during his fight against Asran. While the fighting rages, Lord Djibril manages to join the Mass Driver and he then leaves Orb in the direction of the Moon. Commander Talia Gladys orders Lunamaria to shoot down the shuttle leaving Orb, but she will fail in her attempt, analyzing the situation Commander Gladys orders the withdrawal of ZAFT troops, deeming such a fight unnecessary, the target being Djibril, she then assumes that he was indeed in the shuttle and deems the fight over. Asran loses consciousness, still seriously injured, he will be brought back on board the Archangel to be treated.

Cagalli then makes an announcement to the whole world, ZAFT and its attempted invasion are then pointed out by the young woman. During her speech she will be interrupted by Meer Campbell, still pretending to be Lacus Clyne, it is then that the real Lacus who is just on Orb will appear live, showing her support for Cagalli. Lacus will declare that she supports the actions of the Archangel and that she does not approve of the actions of Durandal or Djibril, she urges the world population to question themselves, judging that the situation is everyone's fault and not the fault of others.

Djibril arrived at the moon base Deadalus orders the commissioning of the Requiem, a powerful particle cannon, using Geshmeidig Panzer (system of deflection of the rays) giant. He targets Aprilius 1, the capital of PLANT, thus thinking of destroying the Supreme Council and Durandal (which is on Earth at the time), the fire initiated will not manage to hit Apilius 1 thanks to the Joule squad which manages to partially damage the relay station. Despite this the shot will hit colonies Januarius 1 to 4, colony Januarius 4 will collide with December 7 and 8, causing the death of 900,000 Coordinators. The Joule squad will continue to fight by destroying as many relay stations as possible. Meanwhile, President Durandal's plan, the Destiny Plan, is finally deciphered by the Archangel's crew. Each person will be assigned a function in society in correlation with their genetic predispositions. The Archangel then decides to return to space with the aim of stopping Durandal's plan.

The Minerva is sent to the Moon, with the mission of destroying the Requiem on Daedalus. Lunamaria will be tasked with destroying the Requiem's ​​firing chamber with the Impulse, Minerva, Destiny, and the Legend launching a diversionary attack to make Lunamaria's job easier. The base is heavily armed and very well defended, the last Destroys are there as well as a large number of GAT-04 Windams. Lunamaria will manage to destroy the firing chamber in extremis, the Minerva will destroy the defenses of the base, the Destiny will destroy the hangars and the control room, as for Rey, he will destroy the Girty Lue ship which is trying to take off, with its edge Lord Djibril, the LOGOS extinguishing with Djibril.

Kira Yamato, Asran Zala, Lacus Clyne and Meer Campbell head to the free lunar city Copernicus, a little shopping day to relax. They are followed during their trip, Meer, also present on Copernicus, organizes a meeting, while they are in the middle of a discussion, and Meer finally accepts that she is not the real Lacus, Sara, the head bodyguard , draws his weapon and fires in the direction of Lacus, Kira and Asran neutralize the bodyguards. Sara still alive shoots, Meer intervenes and then takes the bullet intended for Lacus, Kira and Asran fire on Sara. Kira then summons Neo Roanoke, who joins the Archangel, piloting the Akatsuki Cagalli entrusted to him, but Meer succumbs to his injury before Neo reaches them.

After Logos' defeat, Supreme Chancellor Durandal announces his Destiny plan to the world. The nations that opposed it are mostly destroyed. The Requiem cannon will be recovered by ZAFT and returned to service as a deterrent weapon. Orb and Scandinavia will oppose the plan and be targeted by the Requiem cannon. Atlantic Alliance President Joseph Copland will take advantage of the rejection of the plan by Orb and other countries to appeal to Durandal, but Gilbert Durandal considers anyone who rejects his plan enemies of humanity. With the Requiem operational again, ZAFT fires towards Arzachel's moonbase, destroying much of the Alliance fleet, and threatens Orb as the next target. Orb sends his forces, the Archangel, but also the Eternal which will be followed by the rest of the Alliance fleet, and ZAFT ships opposing Durandal's choice. The Archangel and the Eternal will take care of destroying one of the stations relay of the Requiem, while the Kusanagi and the other ships will destroy the Requiem. The relay station will be destroyed by the Strike Freedom and the Infinite Justice, equipped with their METEOR unit, the ZAFT forces on the spot let them do it, calling their uniform into question following the actions of Durandal. For their part, the joint forces of the Alliance, ZAFT and Orb manage to penetrate the Requiem cannon. Emerging then, the Messiah base of ZAFT, equipped with the Neo-GENESIS, the base will fire and destroy part of the fleet following the firing of the cannon.

The fighting is raging, the new Messiah base must be destroyed. The forces then concentrate against Messiah, the Destiny and the Legend are deployed from Messiah, Asran and Shin clash in a duel, as well as Kira and Rey. Rey poses as the ghost of Rau Le Creuset, he too is a defective clone of Al La Fraga and holds Kira responsible for the state of the world.

The Minerva and the Archangel are in the middle of a fight, while the mInerva fires its positron cannon, the Archangel will be saved by Neo Roanoke and the Akatsuki, deploying a large shield thanks to its back-pack, the memory will return also to Neo, he then remembered that he is actually Mwu La Fraga. The Minerva will then be damaged and crash on the Moon. Messiah's defenses crumble.

Talia Gladys goes to the Messiah base, Kira Yamato does the same and will be joined by Asran and Rey. Durandal and Kira then have a discussion about the uncertain future of the world, with Kira arguing that an imperfect and free world is better than a perfect world devoid of freedom, Durandal gets shot, not by Kira, but by Rey. The young man in tears unable to conceive of a future because of his short life span, he is upset by Durandal's words and will shoot it. Rey will stay on Messiah with the dying Durandal and Gladys, Gladys will ask Asran to deliver a message to Murrue Ramius, to visit his son from time to time. Kira and Asran leave Messiah, the base is disintegrating, marking the end of the conflict.

In CE 74, the Union of Orb and the PLANTs sign a ceasefire and begin negotiations towards peace, the new Supreme Council of the PLANTs then asks Lacus Clyne to mediate between the two nations. During the negotiations Kira and Shin meet on Onogoro Island, putting the events of the past behind them they become friends. Later in the year CE74 lacus Clyne is appointed Supreme Chancellor of PLANT, Kira will join ZAFT as an officer to watch over Lacus. Asran on the other hand will remain on Orb and join the Union military forces of Orb.


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