F91 Gundam F91

F91 Gundam F91

The F91 Gundam F91 (F91ガンダムF91 Effu Kujūichi Gandamu Fōmyura Nainti Wan?) is a Mobile Suit introduced in the film Mobile Suit Gundam F91, in

which it was piloted by Seabook Arno. Harrison Madin piloted two custom-colored production units.


Based on the F90V Gundam F90 VSBR Type, the F91 Gundam F91 is a prototype machine created as part of the "  Formula Project  » of the SNRI. The Formula Project, also known as the F Project, is a miniaturized MS development program intended to solve technological problems such as the increasing number and increasing cost of MS, and also to rectify the monopoly of Anaheim Electronics on the MS industry. The F91 was designed to achieve the “  possible performance limit of current MS  », and as such, its capabilities exceed those of contemporary machines. The SNRI only refers to it by its model number, F91, It was later given the code name "  Gundam F91  » by Space Ark Captain Leahlee Edaberry, whose face resembles that of the Gundam.

Worthy of its small size, the Gundam F91 has a small reactor located in its enlarged backpack, surrounded by high-efficiency thrusters. Despite its reduced size, the reactor has a high efficiency, allowing the machine to use multiple beam weapons, including a beam rifle, two beam sabers, a beam launcher, a beam shield and a pair of variable speed beams. rifle (also called VSBR). Although the first two beam weapons are common among contemporary machines, the latter three are new designs. The beam launcher is a beam weapon equivalent to a projectile bazooka. The shield generates a highly defensive energy shield to block beam-type and projectile-type attacks. The VSBR is the Gundam F91's most powerful armament and is capable of firing beams at different speeds to achieve high destructive power or high penetrating power. Other weapons include two Vulcan Cannons and two Mega Cannons.

With its reduced size and increased production, the Gundam F91 has a significantly improved power-to-weight ratio, allowing it to achieve higher mobility than MS of earlier eras. Its mobility is comparable to that of the miniaturized MS later deployed by Crossbone Vanguard. It also has special features such as biocomputer, MCA (Multiple Construction Armor) structure and MEPE (Metal Peel-off Effect) phenomenon. The biocomputer is installed in the machine's head and transmits combat data directly to the pilot, but only a Newtype pilot can exploit its full potential. Alongside the installation of the biocomputer, a head-mounted cooling and heat discharge system was also implemented, with the face shield opening to release heat in certain circumstances. The MCA structure integrates electrical functions into the MS's armor, allowing more efficient use of the F91's limited internal space. MEPE is a by-product of the MCA structure. It helps the machine dissipate excess heat by shedding the outer layers of its armor, and in the process, creates mass afterimages to confuse enemy pilots, as well as enemy machine sensors. However, MEPE is only activated under specific conditions.

The high performance of Gundam F91 is not without its drawbacks, its full operation mode is too difficult for normal pilots to handle. So, limiters were installed to make the machine more manageable, only a Newtype driver can handle the full operating mode. When the biocomputer, via the bio-sensor in the pilot's linear seat, determines that a Newtype is in control, it deactivates the limiters and allows full operating mode to be activated. In this mode, the Mobile Suit operates at its maximum potential and forced cooling is activated. This results in the MS emitting heat all over the body: the face shield opens to release heat, the shoulder-mounted thermal radiation fins are deployed, the thrusters retract on the back of the legs, and the fins associated are activated, and the MEPE phenomenon occurs. All this is aimed at reducing damage to the machine caused by motion overload during full operation mode, and protecting the biocomputer sensitive to high heat. It's also worth noting that the front grill that takes up most of the chest and abdomen is a heat sink.

After the war with Crossbone Vanguard, an unspecified but extremely small number of Gundam F91s were manufactured. The MCA, MEPE and full specification biocomputer were omitted from these production units called "Mass Production Type F91"; the inclusion of these technologies in the prototype unit was more for experimental purposes. Despite this, the specifications included in the F91 Mass Production Type are still comparable to those of the prototype. Although the face shield opening mechanism is retained in the Mass Production Type F91, only certain units for ACE pilots (like that of Harrison Madin) can access the full operating mode thanks to improvements to the cooling system and various devices. However, these units used by aces still do not have the MEPE function due to the improved cooling system, as well as the change in materials used in the last layer of armor.

  • Bio-Computer

A new type of human-machine interface, the biocomputer is a next-generation device developed from the psycommu system, but places less pressure on its human operator. It was initially intended to help disabled people, but its development was ultimately funded by the Earth Federation Forces (EFSF) who hoped to use it as an MS control system and install it in the F91 Gundam at times. experimental purposes. As its name suggests, the biocomputer has a structure similar to that of a human brain, and its operational processes resemble human thoughts and feelings. Rather than simply displaying the data collected by the MS sensors on a computer screen, the biocomputer can transmit it directly to the pilot as sensory information, so that the human operator can also sense what the machine “feels”. Like the original psycommu system, the biocomputer also allows the pilot to control the MS using only thoughts. However, the full latent potential of this system can only be exploited by a Newtype driver. The production version of the Gundam F91, also known as the "Mass Production Type F91", uses a biocomputer with reduced specifications.

  • Bio-Sensor

Located in the pilot's linear seat, the Bio-Sensor can sense the pilot's thoughts and emotions. This improves the responsiveness and reaction speed of the Mobile Suit. In addition, it is via the Bio-Sensor that the Bio-Computer is able to determine if a Newtype is piloting the Gundam F91, and thus allows access to the full operating mode, thus releasing the full potential of the machine. It is unknown if the bio-sensor is present in the Mass Production Type F91.

  • Psycho-Frame

The F91 is equipped with Psycho Frame around its cockpit, which serves as the main amplifier for its psycom system. There is also a sub-amplifier built into the rear of the pilot's seat.

  • Heat Radiation Fins

A set of three heat radiation fins are stored inside each shoulder armor. They extend outwards when the MS is in full operating mode, and the top and bottom surface are molded to improve thermal radiation capabilities. The fins can also serve as stabilizers in the atmosphere.

  • Multiple Construction Armor

Multiple Construction Armor (MCA) is a multifunctional structural material in which the functions of electronic equipment, such as circulatory and cooling systems, are integrated into the armor layers of the MS. This allows more efficient use of the very compact internal space of the MS. The technology for incorporating electrical functions into a structural material was first established in the UC0090s with the development of the Psycho-Frame. MCA is an application of this technology after further development; it uses special structural materials as well as heterogeneous crystallization coupling technology that uses I-Fields. This function is removed in Mass Production Type F91.

  • Metal Peel-off Effect

This feature of the Gundam F91 is a by-product of MCA. In addition to its radiators and cooling ducts, the F91 can also dissipate excess heat by removing the outer layers of its armor. This process creates afterimages of the machine, composed of metallic particles, which can fool not only the eyes of enemy pilots, but also radars and other sensors. This MEPE (Metal Peel-off Effect) function is activated when the MS is in full operation mode and only present in the prototype version of the Gundam F91.

  • Computer Learning

A control computer for MS, it was installed on the Gundam F91 until the biocomputer was completed.


  • Vulcan Gun: The Gundam F91 is equipped with a pair of head-mounted Vulcan cannons. Vulcan cannons are primarily intended to intercept incoming missiles/rockets, destroy Mobile Suit sensors, and engage lightly armored vehicles.
  • Mega Machine Cannon: Mounted in the chest, mega machine cannons are stronger than Vulcan cannons and capable of damaging enemy MS in close combat.
  • Beam Saber: The beam saber is the standard close combat weapon of most Mobile Suits. It emits a blade of plasma contained by an I-Field that can cut through any untreated armor to resist it. Powered by a rechargeable energy capacitor, two sabers are stored in the F91's left side armor. The F91's beam sabers have improved functionality, its blade generation is alterable to some extent, and an improved beam emitter with greatly improved durability. When the hand holding the sword is quickly rotated 360 degrees, an improvised circular saw is created.
  • Beam Rifle: The beam rifle is the standard ranged weapon for most Mobile Suits. It fires a beam of compressed mega particles that can penetrate any untreated physical armor to resist it. The F91's beam rifle balance is optimized for a 15m high MS, and its output can be adjusted. It fires normal beams for long-range attacks and acts as a beam machine gun for rapid fire. It is powered by a replaceable e-pac and can be stored on the rear waist shield.
  • Variable Speed ​​Beam Rifle: The largest weapon used by the Gundam F91, this is a pair of high output radius rifles mounted on the MS's backpack and powered directly by its reactor. Also known as VSBR, they can fire either low velocity beams with high destructive power or high velocity beams with high penetrating power, enough to destroy two MS with a single shot or pierce a shield of beam shield type. Both VSBRs typically slide under the shoulder when deployed, but can also be used to attack an enemy to the rear in a storage position. They can also be used in AMBAC when not in use. The weapon was first developed experimentally for the Gundam F90 VSBR Type.
  • Beam Launcher: An optional handheld weapon of the Gundam F91, this large-caliber beam weapon was developed as a replacement for the projectile bazooka. Powered by a replaceable e-pac, the beam launcher fires low-velocity beams with high destructive power. Can be stored on the rear belt armor when not in use.
  • Beam Shield: The F91 Gundam is equipped with a beam-type shield generator mounted on the left arm and has a spare unit stored in the right side armor. Unlike an I-Field generator, which is only effective against beam-type attacks, the beam shield blocks beam-type and projectile-type weapons. The shield generates a plane of energy similar to the blade of a beam saber. This plan is divided into several sections, which can be activated or deactivated as needed to save energy. Individual sections are also automatically disabled when they may come into contact with the Mobile Suit itself. Like beam sabers, the F91's shields have an internal capacitor that can power the shield even when not connected to the machine. So the spare unit can be used as a throwing weapon. Like the VSBR, an experimental version of the beam shield is also equipped on the Gundam F90 VSBR Type.
  • Beam Rifle (Den'an Gei's): The F91 Gundam equips itself with the one found floating in the Frontier I mine, replacing the F91's original beam rifle that Seabook discarded during the fight with the Bugs. It was used in the battle against the Rafflesia with the beam launcher until it was destroyed in battle.


The F91 is an MS prototype developed by the Strategic Naval Research Institute as part of its Formula project. Various revolutionary technologies were adopted, making it a machine that reached the maximum threshold of the capabilities of Mobile Suits of this period. In UC 0116, an F91

incomplete was in a hangar at SNRI headquarters when a group of Zeon Remnants launched an attack, but he survived. The F91 was completed later the same year and operational testing took place during the period UC 0121 to UC 0122. In UC 0122, the F91 was flown by Bergh Scred and fought against the Oldsmobile Army. As the biocomputer was not yet completed, the F91 is equipped with a normal training computer with Bergh's piloting data from Unit 1 of the F90 Gundam F90. Despite this, the F91 demonstrates high performance and easily defeated the Oldsmobile Army MS.

He is then brought to the Frontier Side space colonies, but is abandoned due to the Crossbone Vanguard attack in UC 0123 during the Cosmo Babylonia Foundation War. After being recovered and renovated aboard the training ship Space Ark, its biocomputer is adjusted and the MS is put into combat against the Crossbone Vanguard. It is piloted by Seabook Arno, son of the designer of the Bio-Computer. Seabook showed the power of the F91 in its first outing against a Crossbone Vanguard scout team in the Frontier I colony, destroying three enemy machines. Seabook then took the F91 on a mission to infiltrate the Frontier IV colony controlled by Crossbone Vanguard in search of his friend Cecily Fairchild. Later, Seabook and the Gundam F91 teamed up with Cecily and her XM-07 Vigna Ghina to take on the Bug automated weapons that Iron Mask unleashed on a space colony, and engaged Iron Mask's .

In UC 0133, a number of Gundam F91 Mass Production Type (also known as "Mass Production Type F91") were deployed against the Crossbone Vanguard space pirates, after being tricked by pilot Zabine Chareux of the Jupiter Empire. Despite their high performance, most production F91s were disabled by Kincade Nau's XM-X1 Crossbone Gundam X-1 Kai due to the lack of experience of their pilots. However, the custom F91 Mass Production Type piloted by Harrison Madin makes an even match with Kincade's Crossbone Gundam X-1 Kai, and two MS engaged in fierce combat. Despite being a ten year old MS, the F91 Mass Production TYpe VSBRs are still a threat, piercing through two of the Crossbone Gundam X1 Kai's Beam Shields before being stopped by the Beam Zanber. Eventually, Harrison's F91 Mass Production Type is disabled by Kincade, but the space pirate spares Harrison. A little later, Harrison received his second F91 Mass Production Type.

In UC 0135, a Mobile Suit team led by Harrison's F91 Mass Production Type is deployed to rescue a transport ship called "Sardine 107" which is being held captive by the remnants of the Jupiter Empire near the Jupiter Sphere. The battle quickly became a three-way battle due to the sudden appearance of the Crossbone Vanguard space pirates, led by the XM-X1 Crossbone Gundam X-1 Kai Kai "Skull Heart", who is there

to retrieve special cargo from Earth. However, despite Harrison's efforts, the space pirates managed to escape.

In UC 0136, Harrison passed his second F91 Mass Production Type to Tobia Arronax's group when the latter visited Earth to gather aid to prevent the Jupiter Empire's "Operation Zeus Thunder". Harrison's F91 Mass Production Type was later upgraded to match the specifications of the prototype Gundam F91 and became the "F91 Gundam F91 Jupiter Battle Specification". This Gundam F91 is piloted by Mitchell Derek Nar and participated in "Operation Steel 7" to stop the attack of the Jupiter Empire. During the battle, Mitchell activated his F91 Jupiter Battle Specification to full operation mode to rescue the F90I-I Gundam F90 Intercept Type Jupiter Battle Specification from the Dictus. Mitchell managed to damage the Dictus, but was then caught off guard and killed when the Dictus dealt a critical hit to the F91 Gundam F91 Jupiter Battle Specification.

Did you know?

  • In the fourth Sgt. Frog, Natsumi Hinata's "723-Power Suit New Ver" is based on the Gundam F91 MS Girl.
  • In the manga, Harrison's Gundam F91 has never been seen with its own emblem.
  • The Gundam F91 Harrison Madin Custom version may be inspired by the US Navy's Blue Angels squadron.
  • The Blue Angels squadron is known for having the most skilled and experienced pilot in the Navy. Harrison Madin is one of the EFSF qualified pilots.

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